Healing and Hope

I once thought of healing as the timely consumption of an open wound. However, in recent years I’ve come to realize there’s so such more to it. There are many of us that cling to hope when the pain or discomfort we live with everyday seems too much to bear. 

Believing we’re alone and not wanting to draw others into our world of suffering, we do so in silence and with dignity. That’s where the prayer comes in. When the pain becomes so bad until even talking about it becomes difficult, I pray.  It’s important to not be foolish enough to believe that prayer alone will take the pain away. Life in part, is about the refusal to give in or to give up when the burdens you carry weigh you down. My belief is that without the presence of the Trinity, my pain could be so much worse.

Yes, ultimately healing can be very time-consuming. The day’s can turn into weeks, the weeks into months and for some, healing can take years. Yet, still there’s hope and the constant reminder that “This … Is About Life.”